100 Days to Offload

Published: Jun 25, 2023

Publish 100 posts on your personal blog in a year. That’s it, that’s the challenge.

Seems simple enough, so why not?

I’ve mentioned before that I’ve gone through several (at a minimum) iterations of starting a new site/personal blog as an online hub. The problem I’ve always run into is that I always felt the need to write for some particular audience, rather than for myself.

This time I realized that no one’s asking me to do that. This site is my site, and I can post whatever I want here. Hopefully those who read this will find something useful or interesting, but the point here isn’t to amass imaginary points in my analytics dashboard or to feel good about how many people sign up for my newsletter. At this point, I don’t even have a newsletter, and that’s intentional.

The thing is, people are more complex and multi-faceted than what you normally see in someone’s online presence. I don’t want to be relegated to writing about just one topic like tech or business here. I’m going to use this as a tool to think through concepts, save good ideas, and hopefully help someone else in the process. That’s the goal.

The practice of regular writing is also good for the mind, and this has so far been a great exercise in getting some of my thoughts out into the world.

I want to keep my flywheel spinning here with regard to blogging momentum, so I’m taking on the 100 Days to Offload challenge in order to keep the momentum going.

P.S. Yes, I’m still counting my first posts so I’ve given myself a bit of a head start. Sue me (please don’t).

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